Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Post!

I'm so excited to finally start a blog! I've been in Hong Kong for 5 weeks now and I am finally beginning to feel like I live here. At first I was highly intimidated by the busses and transportation in general but now I'm pretty confident despite the taxi/bus collision I was in a couple of weeks ago. I am enjoying my job at IBC and love the youth! God has provided for me in so many ways I cannot even begin to explain. I live by myself in an apartment conveniently located right next the the youth building and so much more. I have been able to keep pretty busy with the youth and work and a little sightseeing every now and then. I am missing home of course but God is my strength and has given me such a peace and comfort being away from family, home, friends, school, church family, and everything familiar. I can see the Lord working is such a mighty way not only in my life but in the life of the youth as well. I am thankful that God has allowed me to be here and get to know such amazing people and see such breathtaking sights. I am thankful for the prayers and ask that you continue to pray for the Lord's Will to be done in and through me.