Tuesday, March 29, 2011


my day looks like most other days but i felt like updating so here it is: 

today is my favorite kind of day! rainy&cold:) in an ideal world i would be snuggled up under a blanket with coffee and a book or movie but alas i'm a working college student so work and school must be attended. 

i've been trying to get my tan on by the pool for the past 3 days but the weather will not cooperate. i checked the forecast and friday, saturday and sunday look very promising!

::insert me and my ipod here::

my newest obsessions:
-Adele's cd 21.
i love love love it. i listen to it most of the day and when i'm not listening to it i'm humming it in my head. my friends are all addicted as well:)

-Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiatos. 
they're only 140 calories for a grande and so good! i'll upload a photo of what my desk looks like at the moment but its very similar to other photos i've uploaded- coffee and computer but this time i'm also attempting to do some math homework. i have a test on friday and i'm not prepared so i've got to get on the ball!
minus the math:)

what God has been teaching me:
i love that God has blessed me with new friendships and deepening existing ones. He has shown me the importance of having and being an honest friend. God is using a painful experience in my life to show me where i need to improve. 

James 1: 2-3
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

i cannot do anything on my own. when things are difficult i realize this full well and rely on God for my needs but when things are going well i seem to forget that it is not of my own doing. i know the strength comes from the Lord but i forget the importance of being on my knees consulting Him on my every move. 

2 corinthians 12:9-10
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

this is why i am to delight in difficult situations, bad days, and the everyday gunk of this world. it all pushes me back to the foot of the cross and the comforting arms of Jesus. when i'm weak i rely on Him and not on myself. i'm working on not asking God to fix the situation but fix what is broken in me and reveal to me what needs to change based on how i respond to my circumstances. 

i'm still in the beginning stages of this one... God is reveling to me that i put entirely too much importance on being accepted by man and not enough on the acceptance He's already given the through the gift of Jesus. i take for granted that God accepts me as i am- a nasty sinner- and focus my attention on gaining the acceptance and approval of the people around me. i'm willing to compromise  on the things of God for the gain of the things of this world. idolator. thats me. the part that constantly leaves me speechless and in awe of my God is that not only does He forgive me for this but He welcomes me back and asks me to give Him the burdens that i gained in the process. i betray him and yet he still desires to fix the mess i made for myself. wow. thank you Lord.

i'll leave you with a sermon by Matt Chandler- lead pastor of The Village Church- talking about idols. hello eye opener.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

sadie hawkins!

Bring on the coffee! I'm loving Starbucks iced coffee right about NOW! At work, tired, and have a long day ahead but worth it for a fun night out with friends!

Sadie Hawkins:
Last night was sadie hawkins and we had such a good time! It was a country themed dance at Eddie Deans Ranch downtown Dallas. We ate some amazing BBQ and danced, danced, danced!

running late but worth the wait!
justin and me about to leave
whitney and jacob rode with us


ready to daaaance!

jacob and whitney

accidental twinks!

monica and me after a lot of dancing- it was so hot in there!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March already?!

Is it really March? It seems like the months are flying by! I can't believe that it is not only March but we are almost in the 3rd week of March. That is a wonderful week in the lives of many college students b/c that means SPRING BREAK! I cannot wait to head home and see my family and friends. It has been over 2 months since I've been back to Atlanta. Not the longest time but it sure does feel like it. I really miss my friends and being in a small town with limited traffic and familiar faces. I miss my home too! I can't wait to pull into that long gravel drive and see the porch lights illuminating the wide frame and rustic logs. How fortunate that I get to call that lovely picture home! I also can't wait for ROMAN'S PIZZA! As a kid I grew up walking across main street with my cousin Britt almost every Wednesday night to eat that wonderful buffet before attending Mission Friends and GAs. I was hoping to get to relive that experience with him soon but he left last Sunday for Australia. He is going to live out his dreams of becoming a 'real cowboy'. I hate my dad doesn't get to see him now, he would be so proud! Kaci, his sister, planned a surprise going away surprise party for him last weekend and we had so much fun! Great job Kac!
fam @ surprise dinner
goodbye brunch at Joe T's

Update on the past month:
Austin Trip:
DBU took a group of student to the Capitol in Austin to show our support for the TEG. We had a great time and hopefully made a difference!
Beautiful Capitol on March 1, 2011

Pre-Sadie Hawkins:
2 weeks from yesterday will be Sadie Hawkins at DBU. I went to one Sadie Hawkins in high school but have yet to attend one in college so I thought, what better time that now? We'll be country dancin' the night away at Eddie Dean's Ranch in downtown dallas. Sticking true to "girls as the guys" tradition, asked one of my friends, Justin, to come with. The plan is for about 3 or 4 'pair' to all go together. Needless to say we are going to have such a fun time! I decided to surprise Justin and ask him in a fun way so here are some of the photos I took before I set everything up and one our friend Whitney took of the 'display'.
I taped this to the door in his apartment.

I didn't really give him much of a choice:)

I set this up while his roommate distracted him, turned on the 'Sadie Hawkins Dance' song by Reliant K and then ran outside and knocked on the door. He came out and SURPRISE!
He checked yes!

I entered a giveaway on one of the blogs I follow and WON! This is the loot- i LOVE it!!
-flowery reusable shopping bag
-flowery note cards
-EOS lip balm (my new FAV!)
-decorative napkins
-flower hair clip

thank you Kaitlin Jones !

I'm working a FULL day, literally. I arrived at 8am and I'll get off at 9pm, which gives me plenty of time to blog! among a plethora of other things to keep my attention in between phone calls. I needed a little help waking up this morning so Starbucks came to the rescue!
skinny caramel macchiato:) 

Spring break has sprung and I have to work will Tuesday so I'll make the trip to ATL on Wednesday with a layover in Tyler to visit my friend Katie Westberry! It has been way too long since I've seen her and I can't wait for us to catch up! 

Spiritually: (i always like to end on the best note:))
God is faithful. God is merciful. God is gracious. God loves me and I have NO IDEA why. I am so undeserving but so grateful! He is whispering such sweet words of affirmation to my spirit, giving me a calm that only He can provide. He shows me that I can 'sweat and toil' but it is in vain. He is the builder and only by my obedience will things work out for His glory. Obedience. Seems like such a simple concept but I struggle with it every second. I open my hands before the Lord, surrendering all my plans, and before I can say amen I've already reclaimed them as my own. What is with me?! He wants to take care of me. He just wants me to follow Him, I needn't worry about a thing but yet I still strive and toil and worry away when God has already told me time and time again that I need just to obey. I'm working on it! 

"Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat- for he grants sleep to those he loves." Psalm 127:1-2