Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Little Things.

Let me start by saying: God is good. Theses past few weeks have been full of God's goodness. My life is full of God's goodness but so often I fail to stop and take the time to see it, feel it, and rejoice in it. Boy have I been missing out!

Sunday was on of the best days I have had in a long time. Just so were all on the same page, I love rainy cold weather, sleeping in, reading Nicholas Sparks books, coffee, and alone time every now and then. I had been deprived of most of those things for a while but until recently I didn't know how much I missed them. I woke up mid morning and made myself a delicious breakfast, sat on the couch with one of my roommates as we watched a movie, and enjoyed being lazy. My roommate left for church and I opened the window in our living room to be enveloped by one of my favorite feelings.. COLD WEATHER! It was like I had been holding my breath and could finally breathe again. woo hoo, man that was great. I was all alone in my house and had the freedom to do whatever I wanted, no distractions. I turned out the lights, clicked on the lamp, reclined on the couch and read a book. I was one of the best feelings I had had in a long time. Just rest, relaxation, peace, total contentment. It may not seem like much to you but for me I felt like God knew exactly what I needed and gifted it to me. Wow, He's good:)

Later that day I went to my favorite grocery store- ALDI! I bought eggs, milk, and sour creme for the grand total of... less that $3! After that I went to church with one of my friends and God had another present waiting for me. Another thing I love, worship. I love to worship in song and I love love love to watch other people worship. There are so many different forms and styles and I love to see them all come together under one roof to worship the one God.

Last night Kari Jobe came to DBU and put on what they called a concert, umm it was not a concert. She ushered us into the presence of God. There were, I'm going to estimate, over 300 people with their hands lifted high singing praise to God. At one point I opened my eyes and from my seat in the balcony I witnessed the crowed of people at the altar and on the floor level bouncing, swaying, and crying out to God, reaching for Him as if to touch His face. The whole experience left most of us with puffy red eyes and light, joyful hearts. I have been to so many chapel service at DBU and many worship nights but I have never experienced the students at DBU like this. There was such freedom and openness. Everyone was praising God in their own way and yet there was such a feeling of unity. God showed up and showed out. Just another one of the things my heart desires and God granted.

So I haven't been keeping count but if I had been I'm sure I would have lost count by now. So many little things that I love and desire God has been providing. I also love my family and I love it when we can get together and enjoy each others company and this weekend we are going to do just that! Friday we are all going to Canton and spending the weekend at the Bro lake house.

So life is great and God is better. I'm so thankful for the contentment in my soul and the joy in my heart. What a mighty God I serve. My verse for this morning is this:

" How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1a

God knows my heart and the desires in them. He knows my strength and weaknesses and everything in between and the part that blows my mind is that not only does He still love me but He likes me too! He pursues me even though so often I'm pursuing other worldly things. But what I am learning is that if I would just chill out, stop chasing after my own desires and give it all to God, oh how things would change. God wants to give me the desires of my heart- He's proven that to me over and over again. The closer my walk is with the Lord the closer my heart, and the desires in it, is in tune with His. God is pursuing me, wooing me and He has my attention. When I turn my attention away from myself and this world and the things in it and focus it all on Him, well I'll let you know what happens.

Today is a new day but my God is the same. He is faithful and merciful and boy am I glad! I have missed out on too much of Him already by busying myself with the things of this world. Today that has changed. Today God is in His rightful place in my heart and mind- first. I have a feeling a lot is about to change. I feel like there is something brewing, like God is preparing my heart and life for something. Right now I have no idea what it is or when it will happen but no matter what it is, I know He'll be right there with me every step of the way. Wow God is good!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Life as I know it.

If this post had to be summed up in one word it would be: routine. School is in full swing and I am trying to keep on top of things so I don't get behind. I love my house and my roommates, school is hard but I'm so thankful to be back and I love attending chapel- I really missed it last year.

This post isn't really about anything, just decided to post b/c I hadn't in a while.

I'm currently at work. I love my job. I work as a receptionist at a car dealership in Arlington. It isn't far from school, I get to do my homework in between phone calls, and peruse the Internet:)

I am loving my little bug! I am so thankful every time I look at it. I still find myself somewhat surprised when my keys actually unlock it- b/c I can't believe it's really mine!

I love reading my friends blogs. I get lost in their daily routines and neat stories and enjoy keeping up with what is going on in their lives. I am so entertained by their posts but feel sorry for anyone that reads mine, its not that exciting!

God has been teaching me about faithfulness recently. He is faithful always. Always. I am going to work on my faithfulness to Him. When I compare His faithfulness to my faithfulness.. well, there is no comparison- He wins, BIG time.

I'm working on getting into a solid routine. My class and work schedules are set but I find it difficult to be consistent with my activities otherwise. Something else I get to put on my 'to do' list.

The weather in Dallas is cuh-ray-zee! It stormed for most of the day and just about the time the sun began to show itself we were bombarded with tornados! I went on a rain boot hunt between classes and none were to be found! Target and Wal-Mart failed me:( Thank goodness for Charming Charlie's!

I guess it is time to say farewell when I start talking about the weather.
